August 28, 1914

Mom, Dad, Benny:

The spirit here is enchanting and catching.  I can't begin to describe how we all feel.  I have never seen so many people in one place, and so much activity going on.  Every time I wake up there's something new added on to the camp.  There is so much to tell you.  Where to begin?

Yesterday we got our uniforms ... well, most of them.  You should see me.  It's far too big, the boots too small, the hats aren't in yet, but that doesn't matter.  Just having it on makes me feel ten feet tall (picture to follow).  Tomorrow we get our rifles -- can't wait!

Valcartier is just like home, farms all around.  I've met so many people, they're all good lads.  Some of the boys here speak French and sometimes I let my mind slip and feel that I'm there already.  They say it will be over by Christmas at the latest.  I just hope I don't miss it -- the great adventure ahead I mean.  Dad, I bet you wouldn't mind that.  Heck, I might even be back in time for late harvest.  I know it'll be hard for you this year, Dad, but Benny's a big boy now.  Make me proud, Benny. Take good care of my fishing rod too.

I'm doing just fine, Mom.  We get regular meals all the time.  Food is not lacking.  Thanks for the package though.  You'll be happy to know, too, that I got my needles the other day so at least I won't catch anything. 

Well, I've got to go now.  Afternoon training is about to begin.  It's nothing really.  I fare better than most.  Must be the good country in me.  Write soon.  I think of you always.


p.s. Enclosed is something for you.  You won't believe we actually get $1.10 a day!