October 4, 1914

Mom, Dad, Benny:

Glorious!  Glorious!  If I should live a thousand years I don't think I will experience such a glorious night as last night.  Yesterday we pulled out of Gaspe Bay.  People were everywhere, waving, singing -- my throat is still sore after singing "The Maple Leaf Forever" at full volume.  And, Benny, you should see the ships.  I think I counted 30.  And more are coming to escort us.  I wish you were here to see it.

Mom, Dad, I'm on my way!  In about two weeks we'll be in England -- at least I think that is where we're headed first.  Doesn't matter, though, each hour brings us closer.  You can't imagine the excitement we all feel.  We keep hearing about all the victories our guys are having.  The question here is whether or not there will be a battle to go to when we get there. We're so anxious I think we'd all volunteer to row if it would get us there any faster.  They keep us busy though.  We still have parade and light training -- as much as you can do on a boat.  We even get to play some sports.

The weather has been great.  The sky is clear, the wind warm and the sea calm.   Some of the guys have never seen the ocean -- can you believe it!  I keep telling them that this is not normal.  Sure helps the seasickness though. 

Well, it's lights out soon.  I'll try to write again tomorrow.  There's so much to tell you.  All my love,


p.s. Hey, Benny, tell you what.  Keep looking up at the Big Dipper when you can;  I'll do the same.  That way we can "stay in touch".